Welcoming 2011 With Goals and Resolutions
Welcome to 2011!
I’ve been reading 2010 recaps from friends and bloggers for the past few weeks and the general consensus is that people are happy to see the year go. With unemployment, health issues, and even death, the new year is being welcomes with open arms. I’m looking for a good year as I’ve outlined in my goals and resolutions, and I’m not alone.
Before I start sharing some of my favorite goals and resolutions I’ve seen around the internet for the coming year, here are some tips for making those New Year’s resolutions stick.
New Year’s resolutions often get a bad rap, simply because most people don’t keep them. Self-reflection and goal-setting, with an eye to thinking about who you’d like to be, is a good exercise for any time of the year, even if you don’t stick to your goals. Ignore the nay-sayers who say it’s a useless exercise. It’s very helpful for identifying what is important to you in your life. Even if you don’t meet all of your goals, you learn more about yourself along the way, and get closer to being who you want to be.
Single Ma’s Goals for 2011. Single Ma from Fabulous Financials is focusing on fitness and fun in addition to money this year, and looks to be a mentor for a younger single mother.
Miranda’s Money Resolutions for 2011. Miranda wants to work less and earn more in 2011 — certainly the American way! She also wants to sleep better this year. Sleeping well pays off for a variety of reasons, and I’ll certain be adjusting my life this year to move from an average of four to five hours of sleep a night to seven to eight.
Amber’s 2011 Goals. Somebody’s getting married this year! I’m looking forward to reading more on Blonde and Balanced about the process and relevant decisions leading up to the big event. Amber will focus this year on putting other people’s needs in front of her own.
Evan’s 2011 Goals and Objectives. Evan from My Journey to Millions is a new father looking to find balance in his life. He’ll focus on losing weight and expanding his blogs and businesses.
Kay Lynn’s 2011 Goals and Plans. The Bucksome Boomer plans to become debt free this year. She also will focus on personal goals such as losing weight and exercising. Kay Lynn plans to increase her income from blogging to an average of $1,000 per month.
Financial Samurai Goals and Resolutions for 2011. Among a list of what seems to be one hundred goals, Sam will be trending towards vegetarianism this year, which is just a fancy way of saying eating less meat.
One more late addition: Investor Junkie’s 2011 Financial Goals. Investor Junkie will be starting a new web-based business idea this year. I’m looking forward to seeing what he has in mind. He also will be taking strides towards a paperless office, reducing bills and junk mail sent to his house.
Happy New Year! May 2011 be the year we all achieve our goals.
Consumerism Commentary participated in a number of carnivals including the Carnival of Personal Finance, Best of Credit Cards and Saving Money Carnival, Carnival of Money Stories, Carnival of Passive Investing, Wealth Builder Carnival, and Stock Carnival Ecstasy.
Article comments
Joy is: watching veggies grow over night. Having a dog to pet and give me kisses. My family. top of the list) A great bargain. Saving cash. WII
I have resolved to allow joy back into my life. Now all I have to do is define what brings joy.
Thanks for the update Flexo!
Do you have any idea where Single Ma’s Blog Fabulous FInancials is now? I was a long time follower, and got sidetracked for a while, and now it seems like she has disappeared from the web. Do you have a new link for her or blog site? (feel free to email it to me)
Single Ma has retired from blogging, unfortunately. I loved her site.
I am with Amber – put others first – and stop buying stuff – no more stuff. My other goal this year, donate at the very least a bag of stuff to charity each month of 2011. I want to be able to see floors in my house!!!!
Hi Flexo. Thanks for the mention of my goals. I’ll give the details on my new biz idea. It’s a niche based site similar to Niche Duel on Smart Passive Income:
The specific topic I won’t discuss… yet until I have it complete, but it’s not related to PF.
Mysteries are fun. 🙂 Good luck with the new project!
It’s funny after years of doing things behind the scenes in the internet industry, I’ve decided to venture off into other areas and see what they bring. Internet advertising and marketing (as a primary form of income for a business) is still somewhat new to me.
Happy New Year Flexo and all his followers!! I wish the best to all and hope you all reach your personal finance goals for the upcoming year.
Thank Flexo! Happy New Year! One of my goals for the year is to stop being a lurker and interact more with the personal finance blogger community!
As I start to read some of the other goals and resolutions, I realize how diverse the community is. I look forward to 2011 for the challenges I set forth and interacting with everyone. Happy New Year.
Happy New Years Flexo! Thanks for highlighting my goals and objectives
Thanks for including my link, Flexo! Here’s to a great 2011! 😉
Happy New Year Flexo! May we all have a fantastic 2011 and have well defined 4-pack abs!
Best, Sam
Let’s just shoot for the stars and do 6 packs 😉
Happy New Year’s Day!